Akela Franklin
Vocal Teaching Artist
Progressive Performing Artist
Alexander Technique Teacher in Training
Interested in Alexander Technique Lessons?
FREE practicum instruction is available through the Alexander Technique Teacher Training extension program at Boston Conservatory at Berklee

Instructor: Akela Franklin
Akela is a vocalist, music educator, and a 3rd year student of the AT Teacher Training program. Learn more about her background and experience at akelafranklin.com.
To inquire about lessons, use my contact form.
Learn more about Alexander Technique
The Alexander Technique (named for its founder F.M. Alexander) is a holistic practice that tends to the human mind-body connection as it relates to the personal use of oneself. Alexander Technique (AT) instruction is communicated through a combination of verbal connection and physical touch and can provide pathways to benefits such as the freedom to change habitual patterns, the expansion of choice in response to sensory input and stimuli, the exploration of balance and ease, and heightened perception of the world around and within us.
The details:
Lessons in the technique are ideal for performing artists, educators, athletes, those dealing with pain management or injury recovery, people in labor intensive fields, and/or anyone seeking greater ease and balance within their daily life.
Participants must be 18+ and commit to a minimum of 6 practicum lessons.
Lessons available in-person (Boston) and on Zoom.
Option to take 30 min, 45 min, or 60 min sessions.
New students accepted on rolling basis.