Akela Franklin
Vocal Teaching Artist
Progressive Performing Artist
Alexander Technique Teacher in Training
Private Voice Studio

Hey there! My name is Akela (Uh-Kay-Luh) and my pronouns are she/they (no preference as to which one you use!). I am a classically trained singer, vocal pedagogue, music educator, and arts administrator (among other things). I'm originally from the California Bay Area, and now I live and work in Boston, Massachusetts. I have experience working with a variety of student age groups and musical styles and I'm passionate about helping all humans fall in love with singing, no matter where one finds themselves on their musical journey.
For a more formal description of my teaching experience, keep reading!
Teaching Bio
Akela Franklin is a classically trained soprano and voice teacher, with additional background in musical theatre, jazz, pop/contemporary, and instrumental music. She has been teaching privately for over 6 years, and her students run the gamut in terms of age, vocal goals, and musical interests. Akela has been on the voice faculty of Brookline Music School (BMS) since 2022 where she boasts a bustling studio of students of all ages and diverse musical interests. She recently accepted the Voice Department Chair position at BMS, and has also signed on to teach for Bloch Performing Arts' The Franklin Studio. Other local organizations she has taught for include Community Music Center of Boston, Boston City Singers, Children’s Music Center of Jamaica Plain, and First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton.
Akela is passionate about fully integrating student-led, social and emotional learning into her teaching practice, as well as creating an equitable, inclusive, and trauma informed educational environment. She has received extensive professional development training in these areas from Teaching Artists Training Institute (2022-23 cohort), Play USA with Carnegie Hall (2022-23 cohort), SPEAC: Supporting the Processing of Experiences through the Arts (2021), Berklee’s ABLE Assembly: Arts Better the Lives of Everyone (2020), and more. In 2021, she was awarded the Marilla MacDill for Teaching Excellence and Community Service by Community Music Center of Boston.
In addition to her career in music education, Akela is pursuing (and is nearly finished with) a teaching certification in the Alexander Technique at Boston Conservatory at Berklee. She defines the technique (named for its founder F.M. Alexander) as a “holistic practice that tends to the human mind-body connection as it relates to the personal use of oneself… that can provide pathways to benefits such as the freedom to change habitual patterns, the expansion of choice in response to sensory input and stimuli, the exploration of balance and ease, and heightened perception of the world around and within us.” Akela incorporates a little Alexander Technique (AT) in her singing, teaching practice, and everyday life. She finds that AT informed vocal pedagogy can result in consistent free phonation, maximized ease of posture and breath, greater body awareness, heightened confidence and stage presence, the ability to move on from unhelpful habits quickly, and just generally happier and more well rounded singers. If you have questions, feel free to ask her about AT or visit Alexander Technique International’s website.
Akela is affiliated with West End Lyric, a local all women led performing arts collective. She served on the board in West End Lyric’s 2023-24 inaugural season as the Director of Education and Outreach, during which time she created and directed the Women of Tin Pan Alley cabaret, showcasing student singers alongside professional talent. Akela also led a repeat rendition of Women of Tin Pan Alley at Community Music Center of Boston as part of the John Kleshinski 2023-24 Concert Series. This performance featured CMCB students, faculty, and West End Lyric guest performers. She is excited to return to her position on WEL’s board for the 2024-25 season!
Akela holds a Bachelor of Music (B.M.) from University of Puget Sound and a Master of Music (M.M.) from Longy School of Music of Bard College, both in vocal performance. She studies with Carol Mastrodomenico.
Teaching Philosophy
I strive to empower my students and help them achieve their vocal goals via healthy, free phonation. I teach a science-based vocal technique with a theatrical flair, meaning I use tools such as creative imagery, observation of sensation, and experimentation. Emotional expression helps students grasp and execute concepts. I do my utmost to meet every student where they are and tailor my instructional approach to complement individual learning needs (in my book, one method never fits all). Above all, I aim to elevate the pursuit of joy, levity, and ease in every lesson.


Deb J.
Adult Student
I went into voice lessons with Akela as a true beginner - I was sure I could never hold a tune, but I wanted to try. Akela made the lessons fun and she had endless patience with me. She taught me how to breathe correctly and how to coordinate my muscles to "use my instrument" effectively. With her help, I reached my goal: being able to sing a simple song (mostly) in tune. I am forever grateful and highly recommend her.
Jessica C.
Parent of a 13 year old singer
Akela has been teaching my daughter since 2019. From day one, she connected with her personally and shaped the singing lessons to speak to my daughter's interests, build on her strengths, and both challenge and support areas where she wanted to grow. Akela brings her musical and teaching talents, as well as a personal touch that make each music session special. I highly recommend her.
Eliana J.
Adult Student
Akela is the most personal and engaged singing teacher I have had throughout my 17 years of singing lessons. Her unique teaching technique incorporates emotions, thought, and imagination as core elements of vocal development. Akela innately understands not only my vocal anatomy but also my personality, and she can therefore determine which emotions and thoughts are best suited to develop my voice. Since I began studying with Akela, singing well has not only become easier-- it's also so much more fun!
My Commitment to Equity
I firmly believe that access to a high quality music education should be an unalienable right. Music is an art form that has the power to unite people from all types of backgrounds. However, here in the US, arts education is underfunded and undervalued pretty much across the board. That means that the majority of those who have access to that education are (you guessed it) white people with money.
I refuse to be complicit in the systematic exclusion of Black, Brown, Indigenous, and other POC individuals from the pursuit of music education. I refuse to accept the inherent elitism and racism that corrodes my industry, particularly the classical music world. That's why from now until forever, I'm instituting this special offer for anyone who qualifies.
This studio does not tolerate racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism, islamophobia, sexism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, fat phobia, rape apologists, prejudice, or hate speech of any kind. While we are all imperfect and no space is completely free from bias, my expectations for myself and my studio community include acknowledging privilege, doing our part to help further equity and inclusivity in the arts, and to treat each other with empathy and respect. #blacklivesmatter
*The acronym BIPOC refers to black, indigenous, and other people of color.
Enroll in Lessons
The Akela Franklin Voice Studio is no longer accepting new students. If you are a prospective BIPOC student, please email Akela or click the "Redeem" button in the section above to set up a free trial lesson.
Starting June 10th, 2024, all new / prospective students can sign up for lessons with The Franklin Voice Studio through Bloch Performing Arts (BPA) Those who are redeeming the BIPOC student offer can sign up following the trial lesson. Please contact Akela or the BPA gmail for guidance.